G001 A wa B desu.

In this lesson, we're going to learn how to introduce ourselves in Japanese. In Japanese, the word for 'I' is 'watashi' and the word for 'teacher' is 'sensei'. So, to say 'I am a teacher' in Japanese, we say '私は先生です。' (watashi wa sensei desu).

Let's break it down: 'watashi' means 'I', 'wa' is a particle that marks the topic of the sentence (in this case, 'watashi'), 'sensei' means 'teacher', and 'desu' is a polite copula that is used to connect the subject of the sentence (in this case, 'watashi') to its predicate (in this case, 'sensei').

So when we put it all together, we get '私は先生です。' (watashi wa sensei desu), which means 'I am a teacher' in Japanese.

Now let's practice saying it together: '私は先生です。' (watashi wa sensei desu). Great job!

Remember, in Japanese, it's important to use polite language when talking to people you don't know very well or in formal situations, so using 'desu' at the end of the sentence is a good habit to develop.

That's it for today's lesson! Practice saying '私は先生です。' (watashi wa sensei desu) as often as you can, and you'll be well on your way to mastering this basic grammar pattern in Japanese."

(ref: chat.openai.com/)


わたし は スリランカ じん です。

かれ は にほん じん です。

クマーラ さん は いしゃ です。

かのじょ は キム さん です。

あれ は がっこう です。  

I am a Sri Lankan person.

He is a Japanese person.

Mr Kumara is a doctor.

She is Ms Kim.

That is a school.

Scholastic Japanese Exercise 01

Fill in the blanks:

Mr Amara is a Sri Lankan person.

__________ は スリランカ じん です。

He is a French person.

かれ は _________ じん です。

Mr Kumara is an engineer.

クマーラ さん は _________ です。

She is Ms Kim. A Korean person.

かのじょ は キム さん です。_________ じん です。

That is a bank.

あれ は _________ です。


Mr Amara ー アマラ さん (amara san)

French person ー フランス じん (furansu jin)

engineer ー エンジニア (enginer)

Korean person ー かんこく じん (kankoku jin)

bank ー ぎんこう (ginkou)


Scholastic Japanese Exercise 01.pdf


学校 ー がっこう ー gakkou ー school

銀行 ー ぎんこう ー ginkou ー bank

先生 ー せんせい ー sensei ー teacher

日本人 ー にほんじん ー Nihon jin ー Japanese person

Complete and Continue  