G407 ___と___

G406 JLPT N4 Grammar :

" ___ と ___ "

The Japanese grammar pattern formed by placing two clauses together with the particle "と" between them is used to express a conditional relationship or a cause-and-effect connection between two events or actions. The first clause describes the condition or situation under which the second clause occurs. For Example:

勉強 する 上手になる

When you study, you will become skilled.

This pattern is commonly used to indicate that one action follows another under specific circumstances.

More Examples:

この 薬 を 飲む ねむくなります。

When (you) drink this medicine (you) will become sleepy.

あなた と 会う 楽しくなります。

When (I) meet you (I) will become happy.


Kiko: 日本語を勉強すると、日本へ旅行したくなりますね。

Studying Japanese makes you want to travel to Japan, doesn't it?

Eriko: はい、そうですね。日本へ旅行すると、日本文化に触れられます。

Yes, that's true. When you travel to Japan, you can experience Japanese culture.

Kiko: 日本文化に触れると、日本語がもっと楽しくなります。

Experiencing Japanese culture makes learning Japanese even more enjoyable.

Eriko: そうですね。日本語が楽しくなると、日本の友達を作りたくなります。

That's right. When Japanese becomes enjoyable, you'll want to make Japanese friends.

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