Lesson 15: Past Simple

English Lesson:

The past simple tense is used to talk about actions that happened in the past and are now completed. We usually form the past simple tense by adding -ed to the end of regular verbs, but there are also many irregular verbs that have different past tense forms.

Here are some examples:

  • I walked to the store yesterday.
  • She cooked dinner for us last night.
  • They watched a movie at the theater on Friday.
  • He played soccer with his friends after school.
  • We studied for the exam all week.

Japanese Lesson:

過去形 (kakokei) is the past tense in Japanese. In Japanese, the past tense is often formed by adding た (ta) to the end of a verb.

  1. 食べ (tabeta) - ate
  2. (neta) - slept
  3. 歩い (aruita) - walked
  4. 走っ (hashitta) - ran
  5. (mita) - saw

Here are some examples:

  • 昨日、私はスーパーに歩いた。(Kinou, watashi wa suupaa ni aruita.) (Yesterday, I walked to the supermarket.)
  • 彼女は昨晩、私たちのために夕食を作った。(Kanojo wa sakuban, watashitachi no tame ni yuushoku wo tsukutta.) (She cooked dinner for us last night.)
  • 彼らは金曜日に映画館で映画を見た。(Karera wa kinyoubi ni eigakan de eiga wo mita.) (They watched a movie at the theater on Friday.)
  • 彼は放課後に友達とサッカーをした。(Kare wa houkago ni tomodachi to sakkaa wo shita.) (He played soccer with his friends after school.)
  • 私たちは一週間中、試験勉強をした。(Watashitachi wa isshuukan-chuu, shiken benkyou wo shita.) (We studied for the exam all week.)

Notice that in Japanese, the past tense can be formed by adding た (ta) to the end of the verb.

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