Lesson 14: was/were

English Lesson:

The verb "to be" is used to talk about existence or to describe a state or condition. The past tense of "to be" is "was" for singular subjects and "were" for plural subjects. Here are some examples:

  • I was happy yesterday.
  • She was at the store.
  • We were late for the party.
  • They were tired after the game.

Japanese Lesson:

In Japanese, the verb "to be" is translated as "です" (desu) in the present tense and "でした" (deshita) in the past tense. Here are some examples:

  • 昨日は楽しかったです。 (Kinou wa tanoshikatta desu.) - I was happy yesterday.
  • 彼女は店にいました。 (Kanojo wa mise ni imashita.) - She was at the store.
  • 私たちはパーティーに遅れました。 (Watashitachi wa paatii ni okuremashita.) - We were late for the party.
  • 彼らは試合の後疲れていました。 (Karera wa shiai no ato tsukarete imashita.) - They were tired after the game.

Note that in Japanese, the verb "to be" is often omitted in casual conversation, especially in the present tense. So instead of saying "I am happy," a Japanese speaker might simply say "happy" (in Japanese: "tanoshii"). However, in more formal or polite situations, the verb "desu" is often used to indicate a state or condition.

(ref: chat.openai.com)

More Examples:

  • It was raining yesterday.
  • 昨日 は あめ が ふっていました。 (Kinou wa ame ga futte imashita.)

  • They were at the park last weekend.
  • せんしゅうまつ、かれら は こうえん に いました。 (Senshuumatsu, karera wa kouen ni imashita.)

  • She was my best friend in high school.
  • かのじょ は こうこうじだい の わたしの しんゆうでした。 (Kanojo wa koukou jidai no watashi no shinyuu deshita.)

  • We were so happy to see you yesterday!
  • きのう あなた に あえて とても うれしかったです!(Kinou anata ni aete totemo ureshikatta desu!)

  • The concert was amazing last night.
  • きのう の コンサート は すばらしかったです。 (Kino no konsaato wa subarashikatta desu.)

  • The movie was really scary.
  • その えいが は ほんとう に こわかったです。 (Sono eiga wa hontou ni kowakatta desu.)

  • They were playing outside all day yesterday.
  • かれら は きのう いちにちじゅう そと で あそんでいました。 (Karera wa kinou ichinichijuu soto de asonde imashita.)

  • She was tired after working all day.
  • かのじょ はいちにち しごと を していた あと つかれていました。 (Kanojo wa ichinichi shigoto wo shite ita ato tsukarete imashita.)

(ref: chat.openai.com)

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