Lesson 12: She has got / She has

English Lesson:

Both “She has got an umbrella” and “She has an umbrella” have the same basic meaning, which is that she possesses an umbrella. However, there is a slight difference in emphasis between the two. “She has got an umbrella” is more commonly used in British English, while “She has an umbrella” is more commonly used in American English. In British English, the word “got” is often used as a synonym for “have”, so “She has got an umbrella” is a common way to express possession. In American English, “She has an umbrella” is more commonly used. Additionally, "She has got an umbrella" can sometimes be used to emphasize the fact that she has the umbrella right now, or that she just acquired it recently. In contrast, "She has an umbrella" is a more neutral statement of fact. (ref: chat.openai.com)

Japanese Lesson:

The sentence 「かのじょはかさを持っています。」(Kanojo wa kasa wo motte imasu.) emphasizes that she is in possession of the umbrella, using the verb 「持つ」(motsu) which means “to have” or “to possess”. This sentence is commonly used when you want to convey that she physically possesses the umbrella and is carrying it with her. On the other hand, the sentence 「かのじょはかさがあります。」(Kanojo wa kasa ga arimasu.) emphasizes the existence of the umbrella and uses the verb 「ある」(aru) which means “to exist” or “to be present.” This sentence is commonly used when you want to convey the fact that there is an umbrella available to her, whether or not she is physically carrying it. (ref: chat.openai.com)

Do you know the differences in nuances "Kanojo wa kasa wo motte imasu”, "Kanojo ga kasa wo motte imasu”, “Kanojo wa kasa ga arimasu” and “Kanojo ga kasa wa arimasu”?

  1. "Kanojo wa kasa wo motte imasu" (彼女持っています) means "She is carrying an umbrella" and implies that she is currently in possession of the umbrella and carrying it with her. The focus is on the action of carrying the umbrella, and it can also imply that the umbrella is being used to protect her from the rain or the sun.
  2. "Kanojo ga kasa wo motte imasu" (彼女持っています) means "She is carrying an umbrella" and emphasizes the person who is in possession of the umbrella. This sentence structure emphasizes the subject of the sentence (the woman) by using the particle "ga" after "kanojo", and implies that the possession of the umbrella is related to her specifically.
  3. "Kanojo wa kasa ga arimasu" (彼女あります) means "She has an umbrella" and implies that she owns an umbrella but doesn't necessarily carry it with her at the moment. The focus is on the possession of the umbrella and not on the action of carrying it.
  4. "Kanojo ga kasa wa arimasu" (彼女あります) means "She has an umbrella" and emphasizes the existence of the umbrella, rather than the person who owns it or the action of carrying it. This sentence structure emphasizes the topic of the sentence (the umbrella) by using the particle "wa" after "kasa", and implies that the possession of the umbrella is not necessarily related to the current situation or context.

In summary, "Kanojo wa kasa o motte imasu" and "Kanojo ga kasa o motte imasu" both emphasize the action of carrying the umbrella, but the latter emphasizes the person who is carrying it. "Kanojo wa kasa ga arimasu" emphasizes the possession of the umbrella, while "Kanojo ga kasa wa arimasu" emphasizes the existence of the umbrella. (ref: chat.openai.com)


More Examples:

  1. I have got a new phone. / I have a new phone.
  2. We have got two cats. / We have two cats.
  3. You have got a lot of books. / You have a lot of books.
  4. They have got a big house. / They have a big house.
  5. He has got a new car. / He has a new car.
  6. She has got a good job. / She has a good job.
  7. It has got a broken wing. / It has a broken wing.
  8. I have got a headache. / I have a headache.
  9. We have got plans for the weekend. / We have plans for the weekend.
  10. They have got a meeting at 2 pm. / They have a meeting at 2 pm.

Japanese Versions:

  1. 私は新しい携帯電話を持っています。/ 私は新しい携帯電話があります。
  2. 私たちは2匹の猫を飼っています。/ 私たちは2匹の猫がいます。
  3. あなたはたくさんの本を持っています。/ あなたはたくさんの本があります。
  4. 彼らは大きな家を持っています。/ 彼らは大きな家があります。
  5. 彼は新しい車を持っています。/ 彼は新しい車があります。
  6. 彼女はいい仕事をしています。/ 彼女はいい仕事があります。
  7. それは翼が壊れています。/ それは翼が壊れている状態です。
  8. 私は頭痛があります。/ 私は頭痛がある状態です。
  9. 私たちは週末の計画があります。/ 私たちは週末の計画を立てています。
  10. 彼らは午後2時に会議があります。/ 彼らは午後2時に会議を予定しています。

(ref: chat.openai.com)

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