Lesson 01: AM/IS/ARE

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Hi everyone, in this lesson we're going to learn about the usage of "am/is/are" in English and Japanese. These are important verbs that we use to talk about the state of being or existence. Let's get started!

English Lesson:

In English, "am/is/are" are called "to be" verbs. They are used to indicate the state of being or existence of a person, place, or thing. Here are some examples:

  • I am a teacher.
  • He is a teacher.
  • We are teachers.
  • You are a teacher.
  • It is a cat.
  • They are tired.

Notice how these verbs change depending on the subject of the sentence. "Am" is used with "I", "is" is used with "he/she/it", and "are" is used with "they/we/you".

Japanese Lesson:

In Japanese, there is no direct equivalent to the English "to be" verbs. Instead, the state of being or existence is often implied through the use of particles and verb endings. Here are some examples:

  • わたし は せんせい です。 (Watashi wa sensei desu.)
  • かれ は せんせい です。 (Kare wa sesnei desu.)
  • わたし たち は せんせい がた です。 (Watashi tachi wa sensei-gata desu.)
  • あなた は せんせい です。(Anatha wa sensei desu.)
  • あれ は ねこ です。(Are wa neko desu.)
  • かれら は つかれて います。 (Karera wa tsukarete imasu.)

Notice how the particle "は" (wa) is used to indicate the subject of the sentence, and the verb endings "です" (desu) and "います" (imasu) are used to indicate the state of being or existence.

Here also notice the use of "gata" (がた). In "Watashitachi wa sensei-gata desu", "gata" is used to show respect towards the teaching profession. The word "gata" (がた) is a suffix used to show respect and formality when referring to professions or occupations. So, "Watashitachi wa sensei-gata desu" would translate to "We are (respectful/formal) teachers."

(ref: chat.openai.com)

Let's Learn 2 Languages at one go.

Let's Learn English and Japanese

with https://scholastic.teachable.com/

Let's Learn 2 Languages at one go.

Let's Learn English and Japanese

with https://scholastic.teachable.com/

More Examples:

Sentences using AM/IS/ARE:

  1. I am happy. (私は幸せです。 Watashi wa shiawase desu.)
  2. She is playing with toys. (彼女はおもちゃで遊んでいます。 Kanojo wa omocha de asonde imasu.)
  3. They are running in the park. (彼らは公園で走っています。 Karera wa kouen de hashitte imasu.)
  4. He is eating a sandwich. (彼はサンドイッチを食べています。 Kare wa sandoicchi wo tabete imasu.)
  5. We are learning new things. (私たちは新しいことを学んでいます。 Watashitachi wa atarashii koto wo manande imasu.)
  6. You are my friend. (あなたは私の友達です。 Anata wa watashi no tomodachi desu.)
  7. The flowers are pretty. (花はきれいです。 Hana wa kirei desu.)
  8. The dog is barking. (犬は吠えています。 Inu wa hoete imasu.)
  9. The sun is shining. (太陽が輝いています。 Taiyou ga kagayaite imasu.)
  10. The cat is sleeping. (猫は寝ています。 Neko wa nete imasu.)

(ref: chat.openai.com)

Let's Learn 2 Languages at one go.

Let's Learn English and Japanese

with https://scholastic.teachable.com/

I am a teacher.

わたし は せんせい です。

My name is Scholastic.

わたし の なまえ は スコラスチく です。

They are Japanese people.

かれら は にほん じん です。

It is 10 o'clock. You are late today also.

じかん は 10じ です。 あなた は きょう も おそい です。

  • わたし - watashi - I
  • せんせい - sensei - teacher
  • なまえ - namae - name
  • かれら - karera - they
  • にほん じん - nihon jin - Japanese
  • じかん - jikan - time
  • きょう - kyou - today
  • あなた - anatha - you
  • おそい - osoi - late

  • I am = I'm
  • they are = they're
  • it is = it's
  • you are = you're

  • we are = we're
  • he is = he's
  • she is = she's


So there you have it, the usage of "am/is/are" in English and Japanese. These are important verbs to know and use correctly in order to communicate effectively. Keep practicing and you'll soon be a pro!

(ref: chat.openai.com)

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