Lesson 04: WHERE/WHAT/WHO/HOW etc.

Let's Learn 2 Languages at one go.

Let's Learn English and Japanese

with https://scholastic.teachable.com/

Hello everyone! In this 4th lesson we're going to learn about seven important interrogative words that are used in both English and Japanese: "Where", "What", "Who", "How", "Why", "When" and "Which one". These words are used to ask questions and are essential for effective communication. We'll start with some examples in English and then move on to Japanese.

English Lesson:

In English, these words are known as interrogative pronouns and are used to ask questions. Here are some examples:

  • Where is the teacher? (Asking about location)
  • What is the time? (Asking for information)
  • Who is the teacher? (Asking about a person)
  • How is the teacher? (Asking about condition or state)
  • Why is he angry? (Asking for a reason)
  • When is the exam? (Asking about time)
  • Which one is my hat? (Asking for a specific choice)

Notice that each question word has a specific purpose and helps us get the information we need.

Japanese Lesson:

In Japanese, these words are known as 疑問詞 (gimonshi) and are also used to ask questions. Here are some examples:

  • Where: "どこ" (doko) is used to ask about the location or place.

"先生はどこですか?" (Sensei wa doko desu ka?) means "Where is the teacher?"

  • What: "何" (nani) is used to ask about a thing or an object.

"今何時ですか?" (Ima nan-ji desu ka?) means "What is the time now?"

  • Who: "誰" (dare) is used to ask about a person or people.

"誰が先生ですか?" (Dare ga sensei desu ka?) means "Who is the teacher?"

  • How: "どう" (dou) is used to ask about the manner or way of doing something.

"先生はどうですか?" (Sensei wa dou desu ka?) means "How is the teacher?"

  • Why: "なぜ" (naze) is used to ask about the reason or cause of something.

"なぜ彼は怒っていますか?" (Naze kare wa okotte imasu ka?) means "Why is he angry?"

  • When: "いつ" (itsu) is used to asking about time.

"いつ試験ですか?" (Itsu shiken desu ka?) - When is the exam?

  • Which one: "どれ" (dore) is used to ask for a specific choice

"私の帽子はどれですか?" (Watashi no boushi wa dore desu ka?) - Which one is my hat?

Note the order of the sentence in Japanese is different from English, with the question word coming at the beginning of the sentence.

(ref: chat.openai.com)

Let's Learn 2 Languages at one go.

Let's Learn English and Japanese

with https://scholastic.teachable.com/

Let's Learn 2 Languages at one go.

Let's Learn English and Japanese

with https://scholastic.teachable.com/

More Examples:

Sentences using WHERE/WHAT/WHO/HOW:

  1. Where is the train station? (駅はどこですか?Eki wa doko desu ka?)
  2. What time is the meeting? (ミーティングは何時ですか?Miitingu wa nan-ji desu ka?)
  3. Who is your favorite singer? (あなたのお気に入りの歌手は誰ですか?Anata no okiniiri no kashu wa dare desu ka?)
  4. How do you cook this dish? (この料理の作り方はどうですか?Kono ryouri no tsukurikata wa dou desu ka?)
  5. Where did you buy that shirt? (そのシャツはどこで買いましたか?Sono shatsu wa doko de kaimashita ka?)
  6. What are you reading right now? (今何を読んでいますか?Ima nani wo yondeimasu ka?)
  7. Who is coming to the party tonight? (今晩のパーティーに誰が来ますか?Konban no paatii ni dare ga kimasu ka?)
  8. How much does this cost? (これはいくらですか?Kore wa ikura desu ka?)
  9. What do you usually eat for breakfast? (あなたは通常朝食に何を食べますか?Anata wa tsuujou choushoku ni nani wo tabemasu ka?)
  10. Where are you going on vacation this year? (今年の休暇はどこに行きますか?Kotoshi no kyuu ka wa doko ni ikimasu ka?)

(ref: chat.openai.com)

Let's Learn 2 Languages at one go.

Let's Learn English and Japanese

with https://scholastic.teachable.com/

Where is your house?

あなた の いえ は どこ ですか。

What color is your bag?

あなた の かばん は どの いろ ですか。

Who is your friend?

あなた の ともだち は だれ ですか。

Why are you late?

あなた、なぜ おそい ですか。

  • どこ - where?
  • どの - what?
  • だれ - who?
  • なぜ - why?
  • あなた - anatha - you
  • いえ - ie - house
  • かばん - kaban - bag
  • いろ - iro - color
  • ともだち - tomodachi - friend
  • おそい - osoi - late

  • where is = where's
  • what is = what's
  • who is = who's
  • how is = how's


In conclusion, in this lesson we have learned how to use some of the most important question words in both English ("Where," "What," "Who," "How," "Why," "When," and "Which One." ) and Japanese (「どこ」「何」「誰」「どう」「なぜ」「いつ」and 「どれ」). By mastering these words, you can now ask questions about a wide range of topics, from location and time to people and things. Remember to practice using these words regularly in your conversations, and don't be afraid to ask questions when you don't understand something. Learning a new language takes time and effort, but with practice and dedication, you can become fluent in both English and Japanese!

(ref: chat.openai.com)

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