Lesson 02: AM/IS/ARE (Negatives)

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Hello everyone! In this lesson, we're going to learn about the negative form of "am/is/are" in English and Japanese. We use "am/is/are" to talk about the state of being or existence. However, sometimes we need to express something negative or untrue. Today we'll learn how to do that.

English Lesson:

In English, we make the negative form of "am/is/are" by adding "not" after the verb. Here are some examples:

  • I am not a teacher.
  • He is not a teacher.
  • We are not teachers.
  • You are not a teacher.
  • It is not a cat.
  • They are not tired.

Notice that we simply add "not" after the verb, and this changes the meaning of the sentence to the negative form.

Japanese Lesson:

In Japanese, we make the negative form of "desu" by adding "dewa arimasen" (では ありません) or "ja arimasen" (じゃありません) after the verb. Here are some examples:

  • わたし は せんせい では ありません。(Watashi wa sensei dewa arimasen.)
  • かれ は せんせい では ありません。(Kare wa sensei dewa arimasen.)
  • わたしたち は 先生 がた では ありません。(Watashitachi wa sensei dewa arimasen.)
  • あなた は せんせい では ありません。(Anata wa sensei dewa arimasen.)
  • それは ねこ では ありません。(Sore wa neko dewa arimasen.)
  • かれら は つかれて いません。(Karera wa tsukarete imasen.)


  • わたし は せんせい じゃ ありません。(Watashi wa sensei ja arimasen.)
  • かれ は せんせい じゃ ありません。(Kare wa sensei ja arimasen.)
  • わたしたち は 先生 がた じゃ ありません。(Watashitachi wa sensei ja arimasen.)
  • あなた は せんせい じゃ ありません。(Anata wa sensei ja arimasen.)
  • それは ねこ じゃ ありません。(Sore wa neko ja arimasen.)
  • かれら は つかれて いません。(Karera wa tsukarete imasen.)

Notice that we add "dewa arimasen" after the verb "desu" to make the negative form. Also note that the particle "は" (wa) is still used to indicate the subject of the sentence. Note that in the last sentence. "imasen" is added to replace "imasu" to make it negative.

(ref: chat.openai.com)

Let's Learn 2 Languages at one go.

Let's Learn English and Japanese

with https://scholastic.teachable.com/

Let's Learn 2 Languages at one go.

Let's Learn English and Japanese

with https://scholastic.teachable.com/

More Examples:

Sentences using AM/IS/ARE (Negatives):

  1. I am not a doctor. (私は医者ではありません。Watashi wa isha de wa arimasen.)
  2. You are not late for class. (あなたは授業に遅れていません。Anata wa jugyou ni okurete imasen.)
  3. He is not a teacher. (彼は先生ではありません。Kare wa sensei de wa arimasen.)
  4. She is not a student. (彼女は学生ではありません。Kanojo wa gakusei de wa arimasen.)
  5. It is not a cat. (それは猫ではありません。Sore wa neko de wa arimasen.)
  6. We are not in Japan. (私たちは日本にいません。Watashitachi wa Nihon ni imasen.)
  7. They are not cold. (彼らは寒くありません。Karera wa samuku arimasen.)
  8. They are not Japanese. (彼らは日本人ではありません。Karera wa Nihonjin de wa arimasen.)
  9. The dog is not angry. (その犬は怒っていません。Sono inu wa okotte imasen.)
  10. The pen is not red. (そのペンは赤くありません。Sono pen wa akaku arimasen.)

(ref: chat.openai.com)

Let's Learn 2 Languages at one go.

Let's Learn English and Japanese

with https://scholastic.teachable.com/

I am not a teacher.

わたし は せんせい では ありません

My name is not Scholastic.

わたし の なまえ は スコラスチく では ありません。

They are not Japanese people.

かれら は にほん じん では ありません

It is not yet 10 o'clock. You are not late today.

じかん は まだ 10じ では ありません。 あなた は きょう おそく では ありません。

  • わたし - watashi - I
  • せんせい - sensei - teacher
  • なまえ - namae - name
  • かれら - karera - they
  • にほん じん - nihon jin - Japanese

  • I am not = I'm not
  • they are not = they're not = they aren't
  • it is not = it's not = it isn't
  • you are not = you're not = you aren't

  • we are not = we're not = we aren't
  • he is not = he's not = he isn't
  • she is not = she's not = she isn't


So there you have it, the negative form of "am/is/are" in English and Japanese. Remember to add "not" after the verb in English, and "dewa arimasen" or "ja arimasen" after "desu" in Japanese to make the negative form. Keep practicing, and you'll soon be able to talk about negative or untrue things in both English and Japanese!

(ref: chat.openai.com)

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