JLPT N4 Grammar Point 005: ___ ないで ___
Often in JLPT N4 exam questions we see ___ ないで ___. Please explain this grammar pattern as used in JLPT N4 Examinations using 5 examples?
ChatGPT Says:
The grammar pattern "___ ないで ___" is used to indicate doing one action without doing another action. It's commonly tested in JLPT N4 exams and is essential for expressing concurrent or sequential actions. Here are five examples of this pattern:
1. 食べないで寝る (Tabenaide neru)
- Go to bed without eating.
- Indicates the action of going to bed without eating a meal.
2. 話さないで聞く (Hanasanaide kiku)
- Listen without talking.
- Expresses the idea of listening to something without engaging in conversation.
3. 出かけないで勉強する (Dekakenaide benkyou suru)
- Study without going out.
- Indicates studying without leaving the house.
4. 待たないで行く (Matanaide iku)
- Go without waiting.
- Implies leaving immediately without waiting for someone or something.
5. 電話しないでメールを送る (Denwa shinaide meeru o okuru)
- Send an email without making a phone call.
- Indicates sending an email as an alternative to making a phone call.
In these examples, the "ないで" part connects the two actions and shows that the second action is done without the first action taking place. This grammar pattern is crucial for understanding the nuances of combining actions in Japanese and is often tested in JLPT N4 to assess your ability to use it correctly in various contexts.