G008 kore & sore
Today, we will delve into the usage of two essential words in Japanese: これ and それ. These words are commonly used to indicate objects or things, and understanding how to use them correctly will greatly enhance your ability to communicate in Japanese. Let's start with これ, which is a word used to refer to something close to the speaker.
For example, if you're holding a book and want to say "This is a book." you can say "これ は 本 です。" (Kore wa hon desu). The word "これ" (kore) represents the book you are holding or pointing to, and "は" (wa) is a particle used to mark the subject of the sentence. Finally, "本です" (hon desu) means "is a book." By combining these elements, you can express the simple phrase "This is a book" in Japanese.
Now, let's move on to それ. This word is used to refer to something close to the listener, or something that has been previously mentioned or understood. Imagine you are talking to a friend about the location of a bank. To say "That one ( next to you / near you) is a bank." you can use "それ は 銀行 です。" (Sore wa ginkou desu). In this sentence, "それ" (sore) represents the bank you are referring to, "は" (wa) marks the subject of the sentence, and "銀行です" (ginkou desu) means "is a bank." As a result, you can convey the idea of "That is a bank" or "That one next to you / near you is a bank"in Japanese.
Quizzes for Lesson G008:
1. What is the main purpose of using "これ" and "それ" in Japanese?
a) To ask questions
b) To express possession
c) To indicate objects or things
d) To describe actions
2. Which word is used to refer to something close to the speaker in Japanese?
a) それ (sore)
b) あれ (are)
c) これ (kore)
d) どれ (dore)
3. What is the function of the particle "は" (wa) in Japanese sentences?
a) Marks the object of the sentence
b) Marks the subject of the sentence
c) Indicates possession
d) Expresses time
4. How do you say "This is a book" in Japanese?
a) それは本です。 (Sore wa hon desu.)
b) これは本です。 (Kore wa hon desu.)
c) それは銀行です。 (Sore wa ginkou desu.)
d) これは銀行です。 (Kore wa ginkou desu.)
5. Which word is used to refer to something close to the listener or something that has been previously mentioned or understood?
a) これ (kore)
b) それ (sore)
c) あれ (are)
d) どれ (dore)
6. In the sentence "それ は 銀行 です。" (Sore wa ginkou desu), what does "銀行です" (ginkou desu) mean?
a) This is a bank.
b) That is a bank.
c) That is a book.
d) This is a book.
7. What is the function of the particle "は" (wa) in the sentence "それは銀行です" (Sore wa ginkou desu)?
a) Marks the object of the sentence
b) Marks the subject of the sentence
c) Indicates possession
d) Expresses time
8. Which word would you use to refer to something close to the listener or something that has been previously mentioned or understood?
a) これ (kore)
b) それ (sore)
c) あれ (are)
d) どれ (dore)
9. If you want to say "This one (next to me/near me) is a book" in Japanese, which word would you use?
a) それ (sore)
b) これ (kore)
c) あれ (are)
d) どれ (dore)
10. Which of the following sentences correctly expresses "That one (next to you/near you) is a bank" in Japanese?
a) それ は 本 です。 (Sore wa hon desu.)
b) これ は 銀行 です。 (Kore wa ginkou desu.)
c) それ は 銀行 です。 (Sore wa ginkou desu.)
d) あれ は 学校 です。 (Are wa gakkou desu.)
1. c) To indicate objects or things
2. c) これ (kore)
3. b) Marks the subject of the sentence
4. b) これは本です。 (Kore wa hon desu.)
5. b) それ (sore)
6. b) That is a bank.
7. b) Marks the subject of the sentence
8. b) それ (sore)
9. b) これ (kore)
10. c) それ は 銀行 です。 (Sore wa ginkou desu.)