G010 kono + noun & sono + noun
In Japanese, there are words that are used to indicate proximity or location. Two commonly used words are "この" (kono) and "その" (sono). These words are used with nouns like この + Noun and その + Noun to indicate "This thing here. " and " That thing (next to you / near you). " respectively. Let's take a closer look at their usage and meaning.
First, let's discuss the usage of "この" (kono). This word is used when you want to refer to something that is close to you or near you. For example, if you want to say " This book is cheap. " you would say "この ほん は 安い です。" (kono hon wa yasui desu). Here, "この" (kono) is used before the noun "ほん" (hon), which means book. By using "この" (kono), you are indicating that the book is near you or close to you.
Next, let's move on to the usage of "その" (sono). This word is used when you want to refer to something that is close to the person you are speaking to or near them. For example, if you want to say " That car (next to you / near you) is expensive. " you would say " その くるま は 高い です。" (sono kuruma wa takai desu). Here, "その" (sono) is used before the noun "くるま" (kuruma), which means car. By using "その" (sono), you are indicating that the car is close to the person you are speaking to or near them.
Quizzes for Lesson G010:
1. What is the main purpose of using "この" (kono) and "その" (sono) in Japanese?
a) To ask questions
b) To express possession
c) To indicate proximity or location
d) To describe actions
2. Which word is used to refer to something close to you or near you in Japanese?
a) それ (sore)
b) あれ (are)
c) この (kono)
d) どれ (dore)
3. How do you say "This book is cheap." in Japanese using "この" (kono)?
a) それほんは安いです。 (Sore hon wa yasui desu.)
b) これほんは高いです。 (Kore hon wa takai desu.)
c) このほんは安いです。 (Kono hon wa yasui desu.)
d) そのほんは新しいです。 (Sono hon wa atarashii desu.)
4. Which word is used when you want to refer to something close to the person you are speaking to or near them?
a) これ (kore)
b) それ (sore)
c) この (kono)
d) その (sono)
5. How do you say "That car (next to you / near you) is expensive." in Japanese using "その" (sono)?
a) これくるまは速いです。 (Kore kuruma wa hayai desu.)
b) そのくるまは新しいです。 (Sono kuruma wa atarashii desu.)
c) このくるまは大きいです。 (Kono kuruma wa ookii desu.)
d) そのくるまは高いです。 (Sono kuruma wa takai desu.)
6. What does "この" (kono) indicate in Japanese?
a) Something close to the speaker
b) Something close to the listener
c) Something far from both the speaker and listener
d) Something unknown
7. What does "その" (sono) indicate in Japanese?
a) Something close to the speaker
b) Something close to the listener
c) Something far from both the speaker and listener
d) Something unknown
8. How do you say "This car is fast." in Japanese using "この" (kono)?
a) それくるまは速いです。 (Sore kuruma wa hayai desu.)
b) このくるまは新しいです。 (Kono kuruma wa atarashii desu.)
c) これくるまは速いです。 (Kore kuruma wa hayai desu.)
d) そのくるまは高いです。 (Sono kuruma wa takai desu.)
9. If you want to say "That one is big." in Japanese, which word would you use?
a) これ (kore)
b) それ (sore)
c) この (kono)
d) その (sono)
10. What is the function of "は" (wa) in Japanese sentences like "この ほん は 安い です" (kono hon wa yasui desu)?
a) Marks the object of the sentence
b) Marks the subject of the sentence
c) Indicates possession
d) Expresses time
1. c) To indicate proximity or location
2. c) この (kono)
3. c) このほんは安いです。 (Kono hon wa yasui desu.)
4. d) その (sono)
5. d) そのくるまは高いです。 (Sono kuruma wa takai desu.)
6. a) Something close to the speaker
7. b) Something close to the listener
8. c) これくるまは速いです。 (Kore kuruma wa hayai desu.)
9. b) それ (sore)
10. b) Marks the subject of the sentence